

Gegevens vergeten?

General information

Since long, Rowing Club ERV Beatrix has been organizing six-kilometer pursuit races during the winterseason.

This competition, frequented by several Dutch rowing clubs, used to take place a few weeks ahead of the national competition The Head of the River Amsterdam, hence the old name: Beatrix Head Trial.

Since 2006, the Beatrix Head Trial was rescheduled in the competition calendar for the month of December. This favourable change in date worked out well, resulting in a rise in participating crews and a lesser chance of a (partly) frozen canal.

In 2012, the decision was made to change the name into Beatrix Winter Race.

een winters eindhovens kanaal,
 ziet er mooi uit maar zo valt niet te roeien


Hotels or B&B’s in Eindhoven

Please consider arriving in Eindhoven one day ahead of the competition in order to see what else the city has to offer. http://www.vvveindhoven.nl